
Homeopathic Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder

Dr. Jakir Hossain Laskar, PhD

Homeopathic Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder via the BrainMindia Protocol

Social anxiety disorder, or social phobia, could both be defined by a striking fear and anxiety characteristic of most patients in social settings. Owing to this fear, most Sufferers avoid engaging in any social activities in which they could worsen their conditions, and in extreme cases may deteriorate the daily routines of their lives. The focus of this case study, gender a 36 year old gentleman primary school teacher, was treated for social anxiety disorder using the brain mindia protocol for a period of seven months.

Notable details about the patient

Age: 36 years

Sex: Male

Occupation: Primary School Teacher

Social Anxiety Disorder is the formal name of the condition.

Starting Symptoms:

Extreme anxiety for effective verbal and non verbal communication.

Refusal to attend other people’s events including professional ones, purely for the purpose of keeping anxiety at bay.

Overreaction of the body in stressful situations, manifested in palpitations and excessive sweating, and shaking.

Self-doubt and the anticipation of negative criticism from others.

Anxiety that leads to the feeling of making communication in a classroom context impossible.

Intervention Strategy

For SAD, the BrainMindia Protocol encompassed both emotional and physiological symptoms of the individual by blending constitutional homeopathic remedies with trituration.

The treatment regimen entailed:

Aconitum Napellus 1M: Used to treat panic episodes when anxiety morphs into overwhelming proportions alongside tensed over brain functions resulting in increased heart rate and sweating.

In terms of:

Argentum Nitricum 3X: Broadens the students level of optimism, decreases stressing factors that may result in anxiety, and help maintain an emotional balance.

Treatment Timeline and Progress Goal

Initial Phase (0-2 months) –

Medications Administered –

Aconitum Napellus 1M, was administered once a week.

Argentum Nitricum 3X, was dosed twice a day.

Observations –

The patient was able to get symptoms relief after two months.

The number of times the patient felt anxious in a social interaction decreased.

The patient was able to fear and avoid less while completing classroom-related tasks.

The patient displayed a noticeable decrease in the amount of sweat it produced and how much the patient trembled.

Intermediate Phase (2 – 4 months)

Medications Administered

Continued the same but minor changes in concentrations were made where necessary.


For the fourth month there was a great deal of change which could be noted.

In professional contexts such as giving a lecture or conversations with colleagues patients reported an increased confidence.

The patient also expressed an increased willingness to go to social events and partake in group discussions.

In degree of anticipatory anxiety and physical symptoms the patient also reported a further reduction.

Final Phase (4-7 months)

Medications Administered

The same medications were continued out but the dosages were such as to avoid side effects.


For the seventh month the treatment was said to be completed.

The patient had shown social skill improvement with self-reputation being enhanced considerably.

They decreased to a level that the anxiety attacks did not cause great distress and taught the individual how to control anxiety bordering on major relapse.

The results of the forms of treatment were said to be pleasing and the patient was able to function fully in all social domains both professionally and personally.


The BrainMindia Protocol proved effective in treating Social Anxiety Disorder in a 36-year-old male primary school teacher. It was noticed that symptomatic relief sets in after two months with a lot of improvement by fourth month. Now after the therapy, which lasted seven months, both the emotional and physical symptoms were effectively treated together with the improvement of the patient’s quality of life.

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