
Homeopathic Treatment for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Dr. Jakir Hossain Laskar, PhD

Clinical Case Report: BrainMindia Protocol for Homeopathic Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis


Lumbar spinal stenosis happens when the spinal cord expands in the lower back and starts to compress the nerves in the body which is mainly an age related ailment. It is also associated with pain in the back, pain in the legs and difficulties in moving the legs. This case report explores how a 49 year old male patient suffering from Lumbar Spinal Stenosis was treated using the BrainMindia Protocol for a period of 9 months.

Patient’s Information

Sex: Male

Age: 49

Occupation: Wood Businessman

Medical Condition/Illness: Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Preliminary Signs:

Chronic lower back pain that propagates downward into the legs.

Numbness and tingling in both legs.

Standing and walking for a long time becomes quite difficult.

Too difficult to move and do simple everyday chores.

The Patient’s Treatment Protocol

The BrainMindia Protocol comprises of constitutional medications, therapeutic medications and trituration which help in addressing Base skin conditions, their signs and symptoms as well as supporting the spine in a healthy position.

Constitutional Medicine

Kalmia Latifolia 10M – This medicine is used to treat nerve pains and reduce inflammation and issues caused due to radiating pain.

Therapeutic Medicine

Cimicifuga Racemosa Q – This medicine helps improve the flexibility of muscles and bone structures, and muscle stiffness while improving mobility.


Plumbum Aceticum 3X (Plum Acet 3X) – This medicine is used to treat the chronic pain in the lower back while supporting the nerves of the patient.

Treatment Timeline and Progress

Initial Phase (0-2 Months)

Medications Administered:

Kalmia Latifolia 10M, administered once weekly.

Cimicifuga Racemosa Q, administered twice on a daily basis.

Plum Acet 3X was taken three times in a day.


Within two months Kalmia Latifolia 10M, gave symptomatic relief.

Lower back pain intensity increased from zero to three on a scale of ten.

Numbness and tingling in the facial area reduced to one episode per week.

Patient was able to stand still for twenty five minutes with pain and discomfort greatly reduced.

Intermediate Phase (2-4 Months)

Medications Administered:

Same medicines as above but the prescribing doctor made dosage increases or decreases where necessary.


A noticeable improvement of condition was seen over a period of 4 months.

Chronic lower back pain was experienced to some extent but did not affect the performance of daily activities.

Sensory improvement and changes in mobility were instrumental for active participation in family and work duties.

Irradiating pain in the lower limbs and changes in sensory perception had increased in number and intensity.

Final Phase (4-9 Months)

Medications Administered:

The same medicines continued to be used however dosages were slowly reduced over time to manage the symptoms.


By the end of the nine months buffer period, treatment had been completed successfully.

The pain management needs had been addressed comprehensively.

Restoration of almost normal mobility was achieved which greatly improved the quality of life.

The CSDH outcome was satisfactory to the patient who was able to go back to work without any trouble.


In case of a 49-year old male patient, the Lumbar Stenosis has been treated with the help of the BrainMindia Protocol. The desired symptoms disappeared after two months and by the fourth month there was quite an improvement. The treatment lasted for a span of nine months, within the time frame the pain was resolved, mobility was restored and the overall well-being of the spine was improved.

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