
Homeopathic Treatment for ADHD

Dr. Jakir Hossain Laskar, PhD

Case study: In the following case, homeopathic approach has been adopted for the treatment of ADHD with the help of BrainMindia Protocol.


ADHD is a diagnosis comprised of children who have an inattention disorder, are hyperactive, or are impulsive by nature. In this case there is a 5.7 years plus female child suffering from ADHD and the treatment is applied by using the Brainmindia Protocol for twelve months.

Patient Profile

Age: 5 years and 7 months

Sex: Female

Diagnosis: ADHD

The condition at the time of diagnosis:

An unusual behavior of struggling to focus during activities or games.

Overactive almost all the time with signs of inappropriate constant grasping or speaking.

Tending to be impatient, leading to disturbing others, or being unable to wait during the turn, as well as having issues with following directions.

Constant feelings and actions of being angry or throwing the fits and such behavior caused issues whilst at school or home.

Treatment Plan:

A complete overview and treatment were given under the BrainMindia Protocol with the Child where a need to focus on Homeopathic medicinal needs of the Child in order to treat basic ADHD Symptoms and many other areas of concern were able to be progressed.

Constitutional medicines

Aurum Metallicum 200: The main aim was to get the attention of the user more focused while attempting to minimize and irritations or emotional instabilities.

Baryta Carbonicum 1M: This was mainly used for overcoming stagnation, improving mental focus and other developments as well intellectually and emotionally.

Therapeutic Medicines

Senecio Aureus Q: This was a treatment which helped to improve the ability to think while decreasing restlessness in the body.


Calcarea Hypophosphorosa 3X (Calc Hypo 3X): An attempt was made for this medicine to boost the mental energy of the user whilst protecting them from weariness, this would allow the user to develop progressively.

Treatment Timeline and Progress

Initial Phase ( 0-3 Months)

Medications Administered:
Weekly changes between Calcarea Baryta 1M and Aurum Metallicum 200.
Calcarea Hypo 3X, Dosage – 2 times a day.
Senecio Aureus Q twice a day.

Within three months, significant symptomatic relief was noted. Hyperactive behavior was reduced; the patient was calmer during structured activities. Slight improvement in attention span and ability to follow simple instructions. Family tantrums became less frequent as time progressed and family interactions have improved.

Intermediate Phase ( 3-7 Months)

Medications Administered: The same regimen was continued, but with some changes in dosage form depending on the patient’s progress and responses to initial medications.

Observations: By the seventh month significant progress was observed. Attention span improved further showing the patient’s ability to attend to tasks for a longer time. Hyperactivity was markedly reduced; the child was able to control his impulses better. Social etiquette was evidenced in the child, who would not interrupt during conversations and showed more patience. There were positive reports from teachers regarding behavior changes in the classroom setting and the learning processes.

Final Phase ( 7-10 Months)

Medications Administered: Dosage maintenance was done to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Gradual dose reduction was done to slowly help child adjust to the final phase of the treatment.

Observations: Improvement in attention, focus and emotional regulation was noticed by the tenth month around which all treatment phases come to a closure. Some behavioral issues were present but the child was able to follow, most importantly complex instructions and show patience.

Even though Ben was quite hyperactive, these tendencies were controlled very well, making his interaction at home and school to be better.

The parents have been pleased with the general change stating that there has been a very good improvement on the behavior of the child as well as engagement in academics.


ADHD in a 5.7 Y.O. Female patient is successfully treated using the Brainmindia protocol strengthening its efficacy in the management of attention deficits, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. In this case, three months provided symptom relief, seven months brought considerable improvement, and after ten months of therapy the result was maintained for further periods. This case points to the effectiveness of homeopathy in helping children with ADHD in a more natural way, by addressing all the problems not just one.

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