
Reiki and Hypnotherapy for Autism and ADHD: Can They Help?

Dr. Jakir Hossain Laskar, PhD

Reiki and Hypnotherapy as Treatment for Autism and ADHD: Are They Viable Options?

In the United States alone, approximately 2.5% of the population has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), while approximately 3-5% of the global population have ADHD in its various forms. Despite the widespread prevalence of such conditions, the most common treatment options are often limited to talk therapy, occupational therapy and drugs. However, there is an increasing interest regarding complementary practices such as Reiki and Hypnotherapy.

In this article, we aim to present the mechanisms by which case studies say Reiki and Hypnotherapy operate, the perks of employing these practices, and the drawbacks, if any, in using these therapies to help individuals dealing with autism and ADHD.

Reiiki and Hypnotherapy Have Ways To Heal

What Is Reiki Therapy?

Reiki therapy is an energy healing technique that began in Japan. In a session, a Certified Reiki Master or a practitioner “places their hands on or above the person’s body”, allowing him/her to channel energy for the purpose of healing. According to Reiki practitioners, this technique uses the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

What Is Hypnotherapy For Adults With ADHD?

Hypnosis is the foundation of hypnotherapy and its primary author, Milton H. Erickson, described hypnosis as “an artificially induced condition of heightened suggestibility”. This definition succinctly sums up what to expect during a session of hypnotherapy. In most instances hypnotherapy will enable the practitioner to overcome ADHD or manage their anxiety.

Potential Benefits of Reiki for Autism and ADHD

  1. Anxiety and Stress Relief

Autism and ADD are often related to stress due to sensorial overload or non registrance of focus and a set pattern. When unaddressed, such issues may limit the functional capacity of those affected.

Through energy work that is attuned to the physical and mental, as well as the spiritual, Reiki energy can ease nervous impulses that create anxiety.

  1. Increasing Effectiveness of Emotion

A third way is that when a person is given Reiki, they may begin to feel and believe that they are more centered emotionally, free from turmoil and unbalanced feelings.

Reiki sessions are said to help children with autism by making them more relaxed.

  1. Increasing Quality of Sleep

Among the many challenges when a person has autism or ADD, sleep disorders frequently feature.

It is possible that regular Reiki sessions will help such people by reducing stress levels whilst also increasing sleep quality.

Potential Benefits of Hypnotherapy for Autism and ADHD

  1. Phobias and Anxiety Management

The overall concept of hypnotherapy allows for reframing critiques and phobias, and replacing them with more positive emotions and experiences.

For a child who suffers from a phobia, or an adult who has ADHD and has difficulty performing due to nerves, it’s worth looking into.

  1. Selective Attention Enhancement

Restructuring subconscious tendencies related to focusing and concentrating can benefit individuals with ADHD and allow them to be less distracted.

  1. Improving Behavioral Manipulation

Eliminating premitive behavior is yet another area where hypnotherapy can be effectively utilized, by giving people new skills they can adopt.

It can help with the repetitive actions that come with the disorder or can help with the sensory overload provided that the environment is a welcoming one.

Reiki and Hypnotherapy’s Evidence

There hasn’t been much research done on Reiki and Hypnotherapy as forms of treatment for autism and ADHD, but some casual studies and even some word of mouth has potential benefits to offer:

Reiki Research: Reiki research has shown a cancer patient’s stress and anxiety decreasing which is a pretty common case when someone is suffering with Autism or ADHD, although there is very little data available on this, it is still common to hear from parents and experts that their child has improved.

Hypnotherapy Research: Anxiety, stress, and behavioral problems associated to autism and ADHD can be treated using hypnotherapy which has proven to be effective.

To further prove their effectiveness as a treatment for the disorder, a more detailed study will need to be conducted.

What Parents and Individuals need to keep in mind

Supplementary Method

Reiki and Hypnotherapy are not to be substituted with programs based on evidence, but they may be used in conjunction with the parental techniques for a feeling of overall well being.

Qualified Practitioners

Seek out licensed hypnotherapists who are trained in treating autism and ADHD as well as certified Reiki practitioners to ensure that the sessions are safe.

Individualized Approach

Every person suffering from autism or ADHD is different so, start with sessions and notice how they react and make alterations accordingly.

Family Participation

Participation of family members in these therapies may help them in comprehension and increasing support for the individual.

Real-Time Analogues

Many parents and individuals report success stories with Reiki and Hypnotherapy such as the following: A child with autism feeling calm and sleeping better after attending reiki sessions every week. An adult with ADHD using hypnotherapy to better manage their impulsive actions.

These stories provide insight into how these therapies can be transformational in practice.

Limitations and Challenges

Subjective Results: The effectiveness levels of Reiki and Hypnotherapy are highly subjective. What is effective for one person may not be effective for another.

Scientific Validation: Further studies are required to endorse these therapies into the arsenal of treatment regimes.

Cost: Sessions can be very expensive, and sometimes may not be reimbursed by insurance.


Reiki and Hypnotherapy serve as alternate approaches which are safe and gentle for individuals with autism and ADHD. They are not standalone treatment; instead, they can go hand in hand with conventional therapy in reducing anxiety, emotional disturbances and improving attention.

If you decide to go for these therapies then it is advisable to reach out to professionals who understand autism and ADHD so that, it is suitable for you or your relative.

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