Homeopathic Treatment of Schizophrenia through BrainMindia Protocol

Homeopathic Treatment of Schizophrenia through BrainMindia Protocol

Homeopathic Treatment of Schizophrenia through BrainMindia Protocol

Author: Dr. Jakir Hossain Laskar, PhD


Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and impaired functioning. This case study examines the treatment of a 46-year-old female patient diagnosed with schizophrenia, using the BrainMindia Protocol, a homeopathic approach over a period of 12 months.

Patient Profile

Name: Nikita Kulkarni (changed)

Age: 46 years

Gender: Female

Occupation: Event Manager

Initial Symptoms: Auditory hallucinations, paranoid delusions, severe anxiety, disorganized thinking, and social withdrawal.

Treatment Protocol

The BrainMindia Protocol combines constitutional, therapeutic, and trituration homeopathic medicines tailored to the patient’s specific symptoms and overall health condition.

Constitutional Medicines

Stramonium 1M: Targeted severe mental disturbances, hallucinations, and fear.

Hyoscyamus Niger 10M: Addressed symptoms of paranoia, delusions, and aggressive behavior.

Therapeutic Medicines

Helleborus Niger Q: Aimed at reducing confusion, improving memory, and addressing lethargy.

Agaricus Muscarius Q: Used to alleviate anxiety, restlessness, and sensory disturbances.


Zinc Cyanatum 3X: Improved cognitive function and reduced mental fatigue.

Lithium Carbonicum 3X: Stabilized mood and enhanced emotional well-being.

Treatment Timeline and Progress

Initial Phase (0-2 Months)

Medications Administered:

Stramonium 1M and Hyoscyamus Niger 10M, in alternation, once a week.

Helleborus Niger Q and Agaricus Muscarius Q, daily.

Zinc Cyanatum 3X and Lithium Carbonicum 3X, twice daily.


The patient reported a noticeable reduction in the frequency and intensity of auditory hallucinations.

Paranoid delusions became less frequent, and anxiety levels decreased significantly.

Improved sleep patterns and initial signs of social re-engagement were observed.

Intermediate Phase (2-7 Months)

Medications Administered:

Continued with the same regimen, with periodic adjustments based on patient feedback and symptomatology.


By the seventh month, there was considerable improvement in mental health.

Hallucinations and delusions were significantly diminished, leading to better cognitive function.

Anxiety was well-managed, and the patient resumed her professional responsibilities as an event manager.

Social interactions improved, and the patient exhibited more stable emotions and mood.

Final Phase (7-12 Months)

Medications Administered:

Dosages were gradually tapered as symptoms continued to improve.

Emphasis was placed on maintaining stability and preventing relapse.


By the end of the treatment period, the patient expressed satisfaction with the results.

Sustained improvement in mental clarity, emotional stability, and social functionality was noted.

Final evaluations showed no significant relapse, and the patient was managing her personal and professional life effectively.


The BrainMindia Protocol, utilizing a combination of constitutional, therapeutic, and trituration homeopathic medicines, proved effective in treating schizophrenia in this patient. The patient experienced significant symptomatic relief within the first two months and marked improvement by the seventh month, culminating in complete satisfaction by the end of the treatment period. This case study underscores the potential of homeopathy as a complementary treatment for schizophrenia, emphasizing the need for personalized treatment plans and regular monitoring.


Regular follow-up sessions were scheduled post-treatment to ensure continued stability and monitor any potential recurrence of symptoms.

Lifestyle modifications and supportive therapies were recommended to maintain mental health and enhance quality of life.

Dr. Jakir Hossain Laskar: is an internationally-acclaimed Indian Homoeopath in Neuro-Psychiatry, Memory Doctor and Counseling Psychotherapist. He has been treating all types of Nerve and Mental diseases with the help of Classical Homoeopathy since 2001. Besides, he has been doing Psycho-Counseling and giving Homoeopathic treatment for students with abnormal behaviour, memory and concentration problems, learning disability, etc. Having finished his education in Homoeopathic Medical Science from Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH) recognized by the Govt. of India, he did research-work in a special field of Psychology. As a recognition of his scientific research, he earned his PhD degree in Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy in 2008. He is also trained in several disciplines of Neurology and Psychiatry from best British and American Universities through distant mode including Harvard Medical School (USA), King’s College London, Birmingham University (UK), etc. For a long period of time, he had been the Editor-in-Chief of a quarterly Mental Health Journal named ‘Mon Niye’ published from Kolkata. Besides practicing Neuro-Psychiatry in Homoeopathy, he has been attached as a Visiting Lecturer in the Post-Graduate Psycho-Counseling Dept. of a reputed private educational institute.