Homeopathic Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease through BrainMindia Protocol

Homeopathic Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease through BrainMindia Protocol

Homeopathic Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease through BrainMindia Protocol

Author: Dr. Jakir Hossain Laskar, PhD


Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder characterized by tremors, stiffness, slowness of movement, and balance difficulties. This case study details the treatment of a 67-year-old male patient with Parkinson’s Disease using the BrainMindia Protocol, a homeopathic approach, over 14 months.

Patient Profile

Name: Parag Jain (changed)

Age: 67 years

Gender: Male

Occupation: Garment Businessman

Initial Symptoms: Tremors, muscle rigidity, bradykinesia (slowness of movement), postural instability, and difficulty in performing daily activities.

Treatment Protocol

The BrainMindia Protocol integrates constitutional, therapeutic, and trituration homeopathic medicines customized to address the patient’s specific symptoms and overall health condition.

Constitutional Medicines

Zincum Metallicum 200: Used to manage muscle cramps, tremors, and neurological disorders.

Argentum Nitricum 50M: Targeted anxiety, tremors, and impaired coordination.

Therapeutic Medicines

Actaea Spicata Q: Addressed joint pain, stiffness, and tremors.

Cimicifuga Racemosa Q: Used for muscle pain, cramps, and neurological symptoms.


Strychninum Sulph 3X: Improved neuromuscular coordination and reduced muscle spasms.

Plumbum Aceticum 3X: Targeted muscle weakness, tremors, and neurological degeneration.

Treatment Timeline and Progress

Initial Phase (0-3 Months)

Medications Administered:

Zincum Metallicum 200 and Argentum Nitricum 50M, in alternation, once a fortnight.

Actaea Spicata Q and Cimicifuga Racemosa Q, daily.

Strychninum Sulph 3X and Plumbum Aceticum 3X, daily.


Within the first three months, the patient experienced noticeable symptomatic relief.

Tremors reduced in frequency and intensity, muscle rigidity lessened.

The patient reported improved ability to perform daily activities with less difficulty.

Intermediate Phase (3-9 Months)

Medications Administered:

Continued with the same regimen, adjusting dosages based on patient feedback and symptom progression.


By the ninth month, the patient showed considerable improvement in overall motor function.

Tremors were significantly controlled, and muscle rigidity was further reduced.

The patient experienced improved balance and coordination, enabling better performance in his garment business.

There was a notable decrease in bradykinesia, allowing more fluid and quicker movements.

Final Phase (9-14 Months)

Medications Administered:

Dosages were gradually tapered as symptoms continued to improve.

Focus was on maintaining the improvements and preventing symptom recurrence.


By the end of the 14-month treatment period, the patient reported high satisfaction with the treatment outcomes.

Sustained improvement in tremor control, muscle flexibility, and overall mobility was observed.

The patient could manage his business and daily activities with minimal difficulty.

Final evaluations indicated no significant relapse, and the patient maintained a stable condition.


The BrainMindia Protocol, utilizing a combination of constitutional, therapeutic, and trituration homeopathic medicines, proved effective in treating Parkinson’s Disease in this Patient . The patient experienced significant symptomatic relief within the first three months, marked improvement by the ninth month, and completed the treatment with high satisfaction after 14 months. This case study highlights the potential of homeopathy as a complementary approach for managing Parkinson’s Disease, emphasizing the need for personalized treatment plans and continuous monitoring.


Regular follow-up sessions were scheduled post-treatment to ensure continued stability and monitor any potential recurrence of symptoms.

Lifestyle modifications, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, were recommended to support overall health and maintain the improvements achieved.

Dr. Jakir Hossain Laskar: is an internationally-acclaimed Indian Homoeopath in Neuro-Psychiatry, Memory Doctor and Counseling Psychotherapist. He has been treating all types of Nerve and Mental diseases with the help of Classical Homoeopathy since 2001. Besides, he has been doing Psycho-Counseling and giving Homoeopathic treatment for students with abnormal behaviour, memory and concentration problems, learning disability, etc. Having finished his education in Homoeopathic Medical Science from Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH) recognized by the Govt. of India, he did research-work in a special field of Psychology. As a recognition of his scientific research, he earned his PhD degree in Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy in 2008. He is also trained in several disciplines of Neurology and Psychiatry from best British and American Universities through distant mode including Harvard Medical School (USA), King’s College London, Birmingham University (UK), etc. For a long period of time, he had been the Editor-in-Chief of a quarterly Mental Health Journal named ‘Mon Niye’ published from Kolkata. Besides practicing Neuro-Psychiatry in Homoeopathy, he has been attached as a Visiting Lecturer in the Post-Graduate Psycho-Counseling Dept. of a reputed private educational institute.